Global Children’s Cancer Foundation

Our Services to Pediatric Cancer Centers in Low-Income Countries

Facts about Childood Cancer

☀Maintain ideal weight. Eat a healthy diet: lots of fruits, veggies, and whole grains.

☀ Eat less red meat and processed meat , less than 8 oz a week.

☀Encourage regular outdoor activities and sports; limit screen time

☀Sun safety; Use sun-safe clothing and proper sunscreen protection. Wear sunscreen with a SPF of 30 or higher.

☀ Avoid smoking,second-hand smoke and excess alcohol.

☀Get a Hepatitis B shot.

☀Get boys and girls vaccinated against HPV at age 11 or 12 which prevents HPV infection and HPV-related adult cancers, including cervical and oropharyngeal cancers

☀Do not count on supplements to prevent cancer.

GCCFO Healthline

☀ Although cancer is rare in children, it remains a leading cause of death in children.

☀Worldwide, about 400,000 children and adolescents (0 to 19 years of age) develop cancer every year. Of those, more than 85% (340,000) live in low- and lower-middle-income countries (LMIC).

☀While in high-income countries, about 80% of all children with cancer are cured, in LMIC, only about a third are cured --because of poor access to modern cancer care,delayed diagnosis, and treatment-related complications.

☀NGOs and government schemes can help children and their families get better care, especially through financial support.

☀Our Global Children’s Cancer Foundation aims to improve the quality of medical and nursing care at pediatric cancer centers in LMICs by providing them with more trained staff and improved financial resources which will help cure more children.